2006 Name List of American Experts to China Sponsored by USCFIE |
環保組美方講員名單 ( 第一分組)
Name |
Chinese |
Topics |
Dr. John Chang |
張忠世 |
The New U.S. Mercury Emission Regulation for Coal-Fired Power Plants and it’s relationship with FGD and DeNOx |
Dr. Wei-Yin Chen |
陈 惟寅 |
Effective Reduction of NO for Coal-Fired Boilers by Mixed, Multi-Functional Agents |
cmchengs@olemiss.edu |
Minghui Liu |
刘明辉 |
燃煤电厂烟气脱硝技术经济政策浅析 |
zyrob@vip.sina.com |
Dr. Hen Wen Hsu |
徐恆文 |
排煙脫硫技術在台灣之應用與發展 |
hsuhw@itri.org.tw |
Chris Wedig |
Operation and Maintenance of Flue Gas Desulfurization Systems – Lessons Learned |
miltonwu@universalaggregates.com |
Dr. Paul Nolan |
Application of De-NOx and FGD Technologies |
paul.nolan@chemicallime.com |
Dr. Daniel Dudek |
杜丹德 |
An Economic Analysis of Alternative Policies for Controlling SO 2 Emissions in the Yangtze River Delta’s Electric Generating Sector |
Hans Sobolewski |
SCR Catalyst Management and Regeneration |
hsobolewski@steagllc.com |
環保組美方講員名單 ( 第 二 分組)
Dr. Shiaw Tseng |
曾孝群 |
Impacts of SCR and FGD on Mercury and SO3 Emissions |
Volker Rummenhohl |
The Economic Solution for Nitrogen Oxide Reduction in Fossil Fired Boilers |
Dr. Muh-Cheng Milton Wu |
吳慕正 |
The Utilization of Flue Gas Desulfurization Materials from Coal-Fired Power Plants |
miltonwu@universalaggregates.com |
Dr. S. R.Wu |
吳森榮 |
臺灣 氮氧 化物防治技術與法規 |
Dr. Tim Keener |
Controlling Acid Gas Emissions Using a Circulating Fluidized Bed Absorber (CFBA) |
tim.keener@uc.edu |
Willard L Goss |
Flash Drying improves on Semi-Dry Scrubbing and Controls Mercury |
Landy Chung |
鍾蘭狄 |
最新颖 低温 除硫除硝除水銀等 多 層次空氣 洁净 環保 技术 |
Dr. Roger Raufer |
Pollution Control in the U.S. Power Sector: New Requirements, Costs, and Decisions for Electric Utilities |